Ideas for the Future of Mobile UX for Sprint PCS

In 2001, Sprint PCS sought ways to grow their mobile customer’s use of internet services. At MONKEYmedia, we identified 57 unique methods to advance mobile usage and integrate with other devices. I came up with a few novel ideas, transformed them into flowcharts, and created storyboards for the team. Some memorable highlights:

  • A few ideas revolved around voice control. Imagine having Siri 10 years before Apple made it public.
  • Seamless, continuous experience across multiple platforms: mobile, desktop, car, TV, home appliances, etc.
  • Information was retrieved and pushed, based on preferences, location, time, and user activities.
  • Multiple interaction can be performed from a physical button, where each produced specific outcome.
Concept flow for Sprint PCS around computer-to-mobile app installation
Concept flow for Sprint PCS around activity continuity from/to phone and computer
Concept flow for Sprint PCS around voice interaction via car audio system
Concept flow for Sprint PCS around activities that are contextual to preferences, location, time, user activities
Concept flow for Sprint PCS around purchase activity across voice call, mobile phone, and computer